Heathful & Homeade: Kombucha
About a million years ago (okay...seven) I had another blog called "Heathful and Homemade". I'm too busy to do as much as I used to, homemade-wise, but I still do some things and I'm going to share them here instead…
About a million years ago (okay...seven) I had another blog called "Heathful and Homemade". I'm too busy to do as much as I used to, homemade-wise, but I still do some things and I'm going to share them here instead…
By this time of the year, I'm so over winter it isn't even funny. I saw this on Facebook this past weekend, and would have laughed, only it's kind of too true to be funny: I try not to live…
What a difference a day or two makes. My yard on Tuesday: My yard today: Sigh.
Yesterday, I dug up a 4x4 plot of my butterfly garden. Last year, I'd let the "Obedient Plant" grow (normally I pull it up, you'll understand why shortly) because it's just lovely, and the butterflies and bees really love the…
This past weekend, we spent at a little camp on Lake Winnipesaukee. It's a lovely lake, very quiet and peaceful (this time of year -- don't go up on the Fourth of July, and avoid the hot spots like Weirs…