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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge — What’s New?

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Today’s topic is: What’s New in my Life Lately

I’m back! I checked, and the last time I posted was November… shame on me. Life has been crazy, but even so.

What’s new? Well… I’m working 3-4 jobs now, depending on the day. I started driving delivery for Uber Eats in December and it’s been interesting. I actually don’t mind doing it. The pay isn’t great, especially when people “tip bait” (which is leave a tip, usually a big-ish one, when they order and then take it back after you deliver), but I can do it on my own time, which matters given all the other work I’m doing.

I’ve also been helping a friend who’s a general contractor do some work. My daughter and I can install LVP like a pro now (we’ve done four floors so far and he lets us do them on our own now because we ROCK) and we’re pretty darn good at drywall, too. I’ve picked up a little electric knowledge as well, and enough plumbing knowledge to be dangerous. It’s good since I own a house and don’t have a handy husband anymore for all the repair stuff.

I’m also still working on my writing. I have the sequel to Kitchen Matches about ready to release…it’s titled, “Imperfectly Matched”. Want to see the cover?

Now if I could just figure out how to add the books to my website (I hired someone to build it, and some of the plugins are just a mystery to me, including the one to add the book and links, but I’ll get there).

Also, one of my dogs had TPLO surgery on both back legs last year.  I don’t want to talk about how much it cost (but I do affectionately call her my bionic dog, AKA the six-million-dollar dog, now), but at least she’s 100% healed and can take walks and swim again.  I’m going to be a worrywart for a while every time she does anything remotely active, but I’m trying to give her a little freedom.   Here’s one of her x-rays so you can see what they did to her legs (cut the bone, realign and attach with a metal plate and screws):

Looking forward to a much less eventful 2024. How about you?

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Marianne, I’m so glad your dog is doing better. Poor thing. It’s awful when they’re not feeling great because they can’t really tell you. I’m certain she’ll be grateful for your love and care. Also, those delivery companies should really make it impossible to take back a tip! I think that is so nasty. Why would anyone do that? I think it should be a rule.

  2. Driving for Uber Eats sounds interesting.

    My dad was a pizza delivery man for a few years when I was a kid. That’s not quite the same thing, of course, but people who tipped him nicely paid for our family groceries and stuff. So I always tip delivery folks well in remembrance of those who were kind to him.

    May you have a lot of kind and generous customers in 2024.

    Congratulations on your new book!

    I’m glad your dog is 100% better now.

  3. Your cover is absolutely gorgeous. I love it! Handy skills are an awesome thing to have and foster. Don’t forget to breathe and get a nap in once in a while. 😉

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