It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Thursday Things I’m Looking Forward to…
By this time of the year, I’m so over winter it isn’t even funny. I saw this on Facebook this past weekend, and would have laughed, only it’s kind of too true to be funny:
I try not to live in the future, but lately it’s hard not to. So here are some things I’m looking forward to.
1. Longer days. I miss walking when I get up or sitting outside and enjoying the outdoors right before bed. I love the long days of summer.
2. Flowers. Plants and flowers just make me happy. Snow and dead grass, not so much.
3. Warmth. I can NOT wait until I can just … go outside. Right now it’s a good five minutes to prepare. Fluffy ear cover thingie, jacket, gloves, socks, shoes, flannel lined jeans… SHEESH. In the summer, it’s basically, put on a pair of flip flops and I’m good to go!
4. The lake. I love the lake. Right now, THIS is the lake:
No, my husband can’t walk on water. But he can walk on ice. Sigh.
What are some things YOU are looking forward to?
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