It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge – Googling…
It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Recent Topics I’ve Googled
Back before Google (yes, I’m that old, lol) I used to get all my information from the library. Do you remember being able to call the librarian on staff and ask her the same types of questions you’d ask Google? There was a time, as an adult, when I was writing a murder mystery and kept checking out books on poisons and weapons and forensics…lol…
These days, I’m addicted to information. My husband might say, “I wonder if that hardware store near us is open.” and I MUST immediately grab my phone and say, “Okay Google, is XX hardware store open right now?”
It drives him crazy. Seriously. He despises it. I’m trying to learn to not be quite so quick on the draw when he’s around.
Searches lately?
How to propagate geraniums.
My mom gave me this lovely red geranium she’s been growing for years. I want to put it outside for summer, but I also don’t want to lose it forever in the winter–because my mom gave it to me. So I wanted to start a baby plant to keep inside. Apparently they’re pretty easy to propagate using a clipping.
How do the seasons of Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and Chicago Med line up?
I’m a freak about watching things in the right order. I started watching Chicago Fire a couple months back, and knew it was crossing over with both the other Chicago shows (as well as a couple Law & Order series, heaven help me) so when I found all the shows streaming on Peacock (the free version… I grew up with commercials, they don’t bother me) I needed to figure out how to watch it. I was three seasons in to Chicago Fire, so I’ve stopped watching that right now and started Chicago PD until I catch up to Chicago Fire, then it’ll be time for Chicago Med. Once I’ve got them lined up, I’ll do one episode of each show at a time… just like I would if I’d been watching them on regular TV. Phew.
Using Yucca for dogs.
I have a friend with a senior dog who’s developing arthritis. She was recommended turmeric supplements, which are ungodly expensive. I told her yucca and turmeric do exactly the same things, and yucca actually has fewer side effects and is far less expensive (honestly, I’m not sure why turmeric gets all the press as a natural anti-inflammatory these days). I needed a few links to show her it’s okay to use on dogs (I’ve used it on mine for years) and how effective it is.
I have a gabillion searches, but this is a few of the most recent. I’ve also googled about “Outer Banks” (a Netflix show my kid wants me to watch with her) and things to do in Portland, Maine as well as their mask mandate. I’m sure librarians are relived these days to no longer get asked all those random questions!
I strongly prefer to watch things in order, too.
And I didn’t know that about Yucca. Interesting!
My mom’s had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 30 years, and isn’t on any prescription meds for it — she uses yucca (and sometimes ibuprophen for flare ups) and that’s it. She’s not crippled or gnarled or really even in very much pain. I was crippled by knee pain and scheduled for surgery about 10 years ago… started taking yucca (no other changes) and I’m about 95% good now. I have the occasional knee pain, but nearly never and I can walk, jog, squat, etc., with no issues. IMHO, yucca is a freaking miracle.
With google, we do have to have the answers now! I also prefer watching things in order, and I really appreciate the yucca information. I did not know that, but am glad I do now.
Chicago PD addict! And the Chicago Fire recently since it’s now available on Amazon Prime Japan.
Of the three, Chicago Fire is my favorite — I hope you love it!
I never knew that about Yucca and it’s everywhere in New Mexico. It makes sense as its in the same classification as Aloe Vera.
It bugs me to read or watch something out of order, even if it’s a ‘stand alone’. Nope. Although I’m here for the Chicago series. And I actually just finished the first season of the original Law and Order yesterday.
Interesting about yucca and turmeric since I take a turmeric supplement due to carpal tunnel and a long family history of rheumatoid arthritis. It’s actually helped a lot in giving me some mobility back in my fingers.
My post
Copying my reply from Lydia up above:
My mom’s had Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 30 years, and isn’t on any prescription meds for it — she uses yucca (and sometimes ibuprophen for flare ups) and that’s it. She’s not crippled or gnarled or really even in very much pain. I was crippled by knee pain and scheduled for surgery about 10 years ago… started taking yucca (no other changes) and I’m about 95% good now. I have the occasional knee pain, but nearly never and I can walk, jog, squat, etc., with no issues. IMHO, yucca is a freaking miracle.
The librarians sort of miss being asked this stuff. I know, I asked mine. 🙂 But at least you’ve asked interesting things.
I’ve not gotten on the Chicago bandwagon, but now I need to!
Most of the librarians I know are still happy to help and enjoy engaging in odd research projects. Though it was kind of fun to slap down a pile of books on the subject of human sacrifice and just watch the expression as they checked them out out for me…