It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Gifts for People Who Love….
It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: 10 Gifts for People Who Love…X
I’m messing with the topic a bit because I can. π
Here are 10 cool and somewhat unusual gifts everyone should love (including me!):
10. Instapot: I’m told the Instapot is the thing to have if you love to cook. I actually own one. It was given to me by a co-worker of my husband’s who was addicted to QVC and literally bought hundreds of things he didn’t need. My husband also has a pair of noise-blocking Bose headphones from the same guy. All instapot lovers feel free to chime in as to why I should drag mine out and start using it.
9. Meal Delivery: Me, I think I’d rather have a subscription to somewhere like Blue Apron. Or even better, from a local company here called All Real Meal. Food. REAL food, delivered to your door. What could be better than that? Aside from a personal chef… Anyone use any of these meal delivery services?
8. A maid: Seriously! What an awesome gift this would be. Pay for a maid to come weekly (or even just one time) for a friend or family member. I’d love someone to come dust and mop for me. I’d rather have a personal chef (see above), but a maid would be super cool, too.
7. A day at the spa: Most women I know (and likely men, too) don’t pay to pamper themselves nearly enough. Imagine a day with a facial, massage, mud bath, sugar scrub or whatever. A lunch with fruit, crackers, maybe a glass of wine. Heck, buy yourself one, too and go together!
6. Car detailing: Is your car a mess? Imagine dropping it off and coming back to it washed, waxed, vacuumed and dusted. No grit on the floor, no dog hair floating around in your face every time you roll down the windows… yeah, that would be awesome.
5. Pooper scooping service: Dude! Angie’s List even has them! I have two dogs. Two BIG dogs. They poop a lot and often. Except in the winter (because… snow) I pooper scoop every freaking day. I would love someone to do it for me, even for a short period of time. Dog owners, you too?
4. Lessons for something: I bought my husband guitar lessons for his birthday last month. He’s been wanting to learn since he was a teenager and just never wanted to spend the money. Well, I spent it for him! And he’s thrilled. Have a friend or family member who’s talked about learning something? But them a few lessons. Let them get their feet wet a bit and see if it’s something they would enjoy.
3. A day of childcare or doggy day care: Give a friend or family member a break. Either do it for them, or pay for a day somewhere. Take their kids out for the day. Visit Cowabungas or Chuck-e-Cheese. Buy a day at the local doggy day care for their pooch. Give them a day where they can breathe. Nap. Binge watch a show uninterrupted. Do whatever they want. Trust me, it’s a gift they’ll appreciate.
2. Hair and makeup done at a really nice place: I watched a lady go into Ulta one day, and literally make the rounds. She got her hair cut, colored and styled (I was there for a hair cut, so had the time to observe), then she hit the make-up area and had her face put on. How cool is that? She left feeling pampered and beautiful. There’s no price tag you can put on that.
1. A day with you: Sound cheesy? It’s not. Giving someone your undivided attention is a very real gift. I highly recommend it.
Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of 2019. See you on the flip side with all those great new blogging ideas for 2020!
Absolutely wonderful ideas! And, you know how I feel about my IP… next to my air fryer oven, it’s the one small appliance I use most often (percolator doesn’t count, ’cause.. well… coffee). My “sold moment”? Chicken and rice from getting the chicken out of the freezer to a meal on the plate in a little over half an hour. Thanks for coming by (and wine snobs are a bit like book snobs who will only read hard cover…they are missing out on some really great enjoyment!)
That spa day sounds amazing! And so does getting a lesson package for something like a musical instrument.
Thanks for stopping by my post earlier.
I really love my Insta pot. I use it pretty regularly. It’s great for soups and stews. Put a dozen short ribs, coarsely chopped onions, celery, and mushroom gravy (or your favorite beef sauce) and pressure it up for 30 minutes. I serve it with wide egg noodles, but I’ll use rice too. Good for sopping up the gravy. One of Greg’s favorite dishes.
I like all your gift suggestions, but I don’t think I’d like the meal subscription. There’s something about someone else deciding how much of what to use that puts me off. But those meal subscriptions are taking off. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes common place in the next decade.
I’m all for the day of undivided attention and the maid service. I loan out the pooper scooper service to DH. It’s a poopy job, but someone has to do it.
But as for the undivided attention, yeah. I like that one. I’d love to be able to spend the entire day with my grandmas, since they’re the only two I have left. Just to have the time with them. Yanno?
Good prompt. I love how everyone is interpreting them π
(BTW, can you imagine how much trouble we could get up to if a group of us got together? Muahwhwhwhhaha!)
Fantastic Ideas each and every one! Thanks for sharing! Looks like a few people tweaked the subject. I did too. Happy Holidays! Here’s mine.
This is an awesome (and eclectic!) list. We have a HomeChef subscription, and it’s actually improved our cooking skills; we’re also using it to teach Firstborn the basics. Though I have to say, having somebody show up after work with a bag of really good takeout makes a wonderful gift as well…
My list is here.
Maybe I can talk my wife into his and her massages at Massage Envy. Good ideas.
These are fantastic ideas! Sometimes I think I’d love to have a maid then I remember how weird I am about where things go and how it should be cleaned and I think, no, bad idea. I would love to learn piano and every time I go to buy an instant pot I back out. I think the only way I’ll have one is if someone gifts it to me. Super list! Thanks for sharing.