It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
A little flash …
About a million years ago (okay, 17 years) I joined an online community called Writers Village University. As part of the free trial, first class they had we had to write a piece of flash fiction using all the senses. I did one called The Hot Dog.
I don’t have that original bit of writing, but about ten years ago, I updated it to meet the qualifications for a flash fiction online magazine (100 words). I stumbled across that on my hard drive a few days ago and thought it would be fun to share.
So, without further ado … The Hot Dog :
I was starving and her hot dog smelled incredible. Saliva pooled in my mouth. I smiled, trying to charm her out of a morsel.
“This isn’t on your diet. That is.” She indicated the slop beside me, and then took a nibble. Chewed.
I hadn’t eaten in days. Who could face that swill? Despairing, I silently pleaded again for a taste. Only one bite left.
She lifted it to her mouth, but at the last moment tossed it in the air. I caught it handily between my teeth, gulping it down without chewing. My tail thumped the floor in thanks.
Hope you enjoyed!
What fun! Thanks for sharing this, Marianne!
Also… have you come across the Chet & Bernie mysteries by Spencer Quinn? There is definitely something in this piece of flash fiction that reminds me of that series…
I haven’t heard of those books … I’ll have to check them out. I do love a good, quirky mystery 🙂