Saturday Seven: Writing Lessons
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews I love, Love, LOVE the "Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook" by Donald Maass. I love it so much, if I only had one writing book in my library, it would be this one. It's…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews I love, Love, LOVE the "Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook" by Donald Maass. I love it so much, if I only had one writing book in my library, it would be this one. It's…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews There have been times I've read books recommended to me by friends, or ones I picked up free, ones I would never have read otherwise because they're outside my norm... and lo and behold,…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews I've been contemplating a Cinderella story ... it wasn't what I'd planned on working on, but it won't let go, so I find myself plotting things every time my brain has the slightest bit…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews I love reading, obviously. Mostly I read in bed any more, but there are days I dream of a life of leisure where I have time to just lounge and read. For those days,…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews Recently, it seems to be largely young adult books being made into movies (there are exceptions, of course, but the majority have been). Since I've been reading a lot of YA in the past…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews This week I'm posting seven random books from my keeper shelf. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer I absolutely love nearly every Jennifer Crusie book out there (and am horribly…
Hosted by Long and Short Reviews I've been reading nearly as long as I've been alive. Seriously. Here's me at three: Anyway, when I had my daughter, I couldn't wait to share my favorite books with her. It all went…