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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books I Can’t Wait to Read in 2020

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Books I Can’t Wait to Read in 2020
I gotta be honest … First off, I just don’t read as much as I used and secondly, I tend to just grab books that sound good as I see them. So I really don’t pay attention to upcoming releases much. Shame on me. There are a few I do, though… like Nora Roberts/JD Robb. I read everything she releases and typically get them at the library first (because who can afford hardbacks?) so I need to make sure I’m on the wait list as early as I can. I just got Rise of Magicks from the library yesterday and am ready to dive in!
So, here are a few things on my “can’t wait” list:
Golden in Death by JD Robb — February 4
Hideaway by Nora Roberts — May 26
Secrets in Death by JD Robb — September 1
The Awakening (book 1, new trilogy) by Nora Roberts — November 24
The Stormwatch Series ( finishes releasing this month — I love ALL these authors and their previous books, but unfortunately, this one is Kindle Unlimited and I have a Nook, so I will just have to look on longingly until the authors decide to release it elsewhere. And yes, I know I can use the kindle app on my Nook, but I have a Nook for a reason. I just don’t like Amazon much.
I like nearly every genre of book… so what books do you suggest I keep an eye out for this year?

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I lovelovelove that you’re as big a Nora/JD fan as me!!! I only put the books I’m waiting for in january for now – my 2020 reading list is sosososo long! Hee hee.

  2. I used to read Nora back before I had kids, but I haven’t for ages. She’s so damn prolific that I better get on it if I’m gonna churn through all that goodness! Also, love your commitment to your Nook 🙂

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