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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge — 2023 Goals

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Today’s topic is: My Goals for 2023

Well… for starters, I want to start posting here more often! LOL… I plan on doing this challenge, AND the Friday Five Weekly Writing Prompt Challenge, so that’ll be a start. But I also want to get back to sharing other things as well.

The rest… well… a little background because I had a BIG life change just over a year ago that I really haven’t talked about publicly. In August of 2021, my husband asked for a divorce (after 25 years of marriage). It came out of the blue and really put life into a tailspin. As a result, I moved cross country (I’m in Utah now) to be closer to my own family and friends. It took me some time to get back on an even keel (so that’s also one of the reasons I’d stopped posting), but I’m doing pretty well now. And this year I’m honestly ready to set some goals (last year was more of a “figure out what life is like now” goal, lol).

I’m a believer in dreaming BIG, even when things seem unattainable. I love that saying, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”.

So, I have some smaller goals, like self-publishing all my old books and stories (I just need to figure out how to format them in InDesign, which is apparently what is done these days if you’re doing it correctly…the rest I have covered). Weight loss is in there, too, even though it’s such a cliche. I’d dropped about 20 pounds after the divorce and was actually feeling pretty good physically. I have a lot of problems (arthritis, sciatica, etc) that can be exacerbated by even a few pounds extra. However, I’ve put it all back on now, and I’d like to get back to being relatively pain-free again.

I also have some bigger goals, that seem out of reach, but I’m going to put them out there because if you can’t dream it, you’ll never have it. First off, I want to own condos in various spots I like to visit. The plan is to rent them out short term when we aren’t there (“we” is my daughter and I … she moved with me), but to have them so we don’t have to find somewhere to stay (it’s always a challenge because I have two big dogs that travel with me). This plan would build residual income and save us the headache of renting something when we travel. This year, I just want to figure out how to buy one, here in Utah. I have absolutely NO idea how it’ll happen, but again… putting that sucker out into the universe.

And I want to build my at-home businesses big enough to finance life. That means, doing more writing, working at Goddess Fish Promotions, and I have an Etsy shop for art and reselling vintage items. Physically, doing a full-time job would be difficult, at the least, so … putting that out there, too.

That’s enough for now… here’s to an amazing 2023!

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. These are great goals, both the short and long term! Start small and you’ll get there. Oh, and if you need an accountability partner for the health stuff, let me know. 🙂

    My post

  2. A lot of seem to be in the process of trying to pull things back together this year, so I’m wishing you all the luck in the world. That seems like a really solid set of goals (even the condo one).

  3. Hi!! It is nice to meet you!!! I joined the Weekly Challenge at the end of last year. I love doing them; so much fun!! Your goals are awesome! I will be cheering for you!! What kind of dogs do you have? I have an itty bitty shih tzu and bichon mix, named Jonah!

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