It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…

Friday Five – Space Invaders
It’s Friday, so it must be time for The Friday Five writing prompt! Five different words each week to get the creative juices flowing. To visit the other participants, click here.
This week’s words are: mechanical, return, electronics, hunting, hen
I was mad as a wet hen. After weeks of hunting, I’d finally found an old, original Atari game system that I thought would work on my current TV (I have a dumb one, not a smart one, which is where the issue began apparently). I’m a complete idiot when it comes to anything mechanical… I’m lucky my car is old and has no computer brain and roll up (with the handles that you do manually) windows. I love my old ’66 Mustang with all my ancient heart. But I digress.
All I wanted to do was play Space Invaders. Was that too much to ask? Since I couldn’t return the thing, I finally gave up and gave in, calling my friend Joe who was a whiz with all electronics (I’m not convinced he isn’t a time traveler from the future) who came by, hooked it up in about ten seconds flat and then proceeded to destroy me in every game I had. Maybe not the best day ever. But, even though I lost every game, it was still better than what I had before.
lol… I loved Space Invaders. There’s a new system out, self-contained with a lot of the games we loved. Beth bought one and they are loving playing the old games with the kids: Unfortunately, not Atari games.
I think I have an Atari console in my garage honestly. But I can relate! 😀