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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Re-reading

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Books I re-read or want to re-read
This is easy … I just have to look to my left at my keeper shelf. 🙂
Let’s split by genre..
Nora Roberts trilogies, her stand alone romantic suspense and her In Death series would lead the pack.
Also most of Jennifer Crusie’s books, though I LOVE “Agnes and the Hitman”, “Faking It” and “Getting Rid of Bradley” the best.
The Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey — love, Love, LOVE!!
The Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey (also LOVE, right up to the Masterharper of Pern…once it started being more SciFi than Fantasy, and especially when she started to collaborate with her son, I didn’t enjoy it as much).
Young Adult:
The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander (this was one of the first book series I read to my daughter when she was old enough to understand)
The Dark is Rising Series by Susan Cooper (with the exception of the first book, Over Sea, Under Stone, which I find incredibly boring but also VERY important to the story).  They’ve made The Dark is Rising (book two in the series) into a movie twice and it was poorly done both times.
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins (I have to leave time between re-readings, but I find stuff I missed each time. Can’t WAIT for the prequel!)
Horror (thriller?):
Only one author I re-read here: Dean Koontz.  I need to know I’ll have a pay-off (for me, that’s a happy ending) when I read a book, and Dean Koontz will deliver that (at least he gives us one as happy as it can be).  I only have one Stephen King book I re-read, and that’s “The Stand” because, even with all the deaths, there is still a happy (as it can be) ending.
I really like other genres, like mystery/suspense but I don’t re-read them often because once the surprise is gone, some of the enjoyment is, too.  In a romance, the fun is in the journey, but a mystery really hinges on the ending.
What are some of your favorite “re-read” books?

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I haven’t read any of Dean Koontz’s stuff in ages. I really need to go see what he’s released lately. Good list!

  2. I like all your choices (well, except for the Nora books, but you already know that)… but you know, I don’t know if I’ve ever read the Prydain Chronicles… huh. I might have to remedy that…. hmmmm, get the boxed set, read them, and give them to Anthony for his birthday… that will work … lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I’m excited to see Dean Koontz has some new stuff in Kindle Unlimited and I’m also looking forward to the prequel of the Hunger Games. No rereading for me though!

  4. Fantasy is one of the few things I can reread without an issue – generally because it takes years between books and I tend to forget what I read four years ago. Hahaha.
    My post

  5. That’s a cool list. I’m planning on re-reading Koontz’s Watchers soon. Luuuurve that book. I read all his new Nobody series too and enjoyed it. They were short, fast and punchy. Great entertainment. I really must read Getting Rid of Bradley. Everyone raves about that book!

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