It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favorite TV shows and why
It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Today’s topic is: Favorite TV Shows and Why
I don’t watch a ton of TV. Maybe and hour or two a day, so I have to be at least a little selective in my shows. I tend to be a relatively solemn person IRL (outside of a pretty sarcastic sense of humor), so it may surprise you that I prefer both my books and my TV to be uplifting and positive. I don’t do dark and depressing. So, aside from the older, already ended shows I’ve streamed online (White Collar, for example, or Lie To Me) here is what I watch and enjoy.
First, although this is now cancelled (add gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes here), hands down my favorite show of late was “Timeless“.
This show addressed time travel in a really intelligent way. It showed how even small changes could make a huge impact. Also, it was a painless and fun way to learn history–in some cases, obscure history that we don’t learn in school. I loved this show so much and was absolutely heartbroken when it was cancelled. You can watch the entire two seasons on Hulu if you’re interested.
The Santa Clarita Diet would have to be next. Sadly, I just discovered this one was also cancelled. I haven’t finished season three yet, but this is such a clever, funny, warped show. The humor is right up my alley. It’s full of humor that’s utterly not PC: it’s frequently profane, often just wrong… I mean, they kill and eat people, but I can’t even start to tell you how much I love this show. Again, heartbroken that it’s not going to continue…but you can watch the first three seasons on Netflix. Do yourself a favor and go enjoy it.
I just discovered this show (and YAY! It was actually renewed for a third season). It’s action packed, obviously, but what I really love about it is the cast. The characters are diverse, interesting and believable. I watch to see how they change and grow throughout the series. I didn’t think I’d love this as much as I do, but … I do! Highly recommended. You can watch it on Fox or on Hulu.
Lastly, though I do have others I enjoy, I’ll mention God Friended Me.
For a feel-good show, this one wins, hands down. I never end the show without a warm fuzzy feeling. It shows that there is still good out there in the world. The characters are fun and real and story line is interesting and heart-warming. Lest you think this is a religious show, it’s not… really. The main character is an atheist whose father is a pastor. And he’s friended on Facebook by someone calling themselves “God”. Is it really God? Who knows! That doesn’t matter … what matters is how it affects the lives of him and the people around him. It was renewed for a second season and you should definitely check it out on CBS.
I hope you enjoyed my list! Looking forward to seeing yours π
I was a huge fan of Timeless as well! It’s a shame it was cancelled. There was so much more they could have done with those characters.
God Friended Me sounds intriguing, too.
My post.
I think they had big plans for Timeless (based on the ending of season two). I’m so sad they weren’t able to realize them!
You already know how I feel about 9-1-1 and Timeless. Still haven’t gotten the chance to see the other two. My post is here:
You should really at least watch “God Friended Me”. It’ll make your eyes leak for sure π
I loved TIMELESS!!! I was crushed when it was cancelled. Brilliant cast and one of the best uses of time travel in a show. All of yours are good choices.
Yes … everything you said about Timeless. One of the best shows in recent TV history, IMHO.
I liked Forever, too. They got rid of that after one season. Blah. I haven’t gotten the chance to see Timeless, but it sounds like I’d like it. The tot watches Santa Clarita Diet and thinks its…a riot. Hahahah! He does love it. 911 is a Ryan Murphy and usually he’s a go-to for me. Great list. π
Is Ryan Murphy who plays Buck? I’m really enjoying the show a lot … apparently there’s going to be a spinoff, so maybe I’ll have another show to love!
that is some eclectic list!!!
I’m nothing if not eclectic π
Oh, I hated when Timeless was cancelled. I loved the way they handled time-travel. The rest I’ve not seen. I’ll be checking then out. Here’s where you can find my list.
As many people as seemed to love Timeless, I just don’t understand why it wasn’t higher in the ratings. My heart is still broken for that one.
I read that first paragraph and thought… if God Friended Me isn’t on this list then, we need to talk. Hahaha. I was SO shocked that my husband fell in love with that show though, honestly. The last couple episodes of this season had me in tears. Which, honestly, isn’t that hard to do, but man. Such a good show.
My link
Re: “God Friended Me” — right? I LOVE that show so much!! I can’t believe something I like actually got renewed. My appreciation is usually the kiss of death…
You and me, both. There was a great PI show last summer called Take Two that was fun and adorable and… got cancelled. Of course. *sigh*
All these canceled shows! I feel like we should get a mourning period.
I nearly also added “Whiskey Cavalier” which was ALSO cancelled. Apparently I have completely different taste than the rest of the world…
I keep hoping Amazon would include Timeless on Prime. We’re a little busy right now with farm stuff, but when it slows down I might try getting a trial on Hulu. This sounds like my type of show.
Oh my gosh, Timeless was fantastic! I loved it and was so sorry to hear it got cancelled. Loved the wrap-up movie, though.
I’ve never seen any of these. I clearly don’t watch enough TV.