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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favorite Websites/blogs/podcasts

It’s that time again. The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Today’s topic is: Favorite Websites/blogs/podcasts
First, let me confess that I have never, not even once for two seconds, listened to a podcast. Feel free to tell me why I should πŸ™‚
Next, aside from Long and Short Reviews, I don’t have THAT many sites I visit with any regularity. Here are a few: — I am SO lucky that my local library offers free memberships to Lynda. I have a very, very long list of classes I want to take from them. It was really good reviews about the quality they offer, and I’m ready to put myself back into school mode soon. — Lately (okay for nearly a year) I’ve been trying to drop some weight. I suffer from arthritis and sciatica and even a few pounds extra makes a HUGE difference to my pain levels. I opted to use Weight Watchers, because not only is it consistently rated as one of the healthiest weight loss plans, it also rates high on ease of use, maintenance, etc. But, I lack imagination when it comes to meal planning within my points, and I stumbled across DeeDeeDoes somewhere and have never looked back. She also does posts on Keto, if you’re interested. But she posts weekly menus for Weight Watchers freestyle and I’ve been trying some of the recipes. I love her site!
Maria Zannini — So… she and I became acquainted a LOT of years ago. We were both published authors, both with Samhain at the time, and I’m sure we stumbled across each other at some other blog. But she’s both a genuinely nice human and also really smart and interesting. She blogs about homesteading and budgeting and living frugally and sometimes just life in general. I never miss a post.
Dru’s Book Musings — Speaking of genuinely nice people … Dru Ann Love is top of that list! Like mysteries? Then you really shouldn’t miss reading her blog. And you should absolutely follow her on Facebook either here or here, too.
What are some sites I should visit?

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Aww, shucks. No one’s ever called me human before. πŸ˜€
    Thanks for the sweet words. Every so often I think I should quit blogging and then someone goes and says something nice about me.

    1. Re: No one’s ever called me human before. … sorry, your secret’s out.
      Don’t stop blogging. I’d miss you.

  2. It’s funny you mentioned My library has access to it, too, and I just started perusing the classes they offer. I want to take quite a few of them.
    The recipes at DeeDeeDoes are definitely things I’m going to need to check out as well.
    My post.

    1. The only thing I don’t like about is that there is SO much to choose from! It can be a little overwhelming…

    1. Right? This week’s topic is definitely increasing my “to read” blogs and sites!

    1. You’re welcome…. you are genuinely one of the nicest people I ‘know’. πŸ™‚

  3. looks interesting (and our libraries are such a wealth of information)! Our local library system has this thing called Creative Bug where you have access to a ton of DIY and crafting videos. Haven’t checked it out, but it looks like a lot of fun.

  4. Well, I sure couldn’t live without Lynda and it looks as if I have to check out Dru’s book musings. You know me and those mysteries.
    One thing I love and it is so great for people who read a lot is a site called
    It helps you keep track of all of your series reading and lists the series in order. Have been using it since 2011.

  5. I agree about Dru being awesome.
    I haven’t heard of most of the sites you listed.
    I’ll have to check out the DeeDeedoes one to see if they have salt-free recipes. I’m finding them hard to come by so I’ll check any food site for inspiration.

  6. I follow Dru’s book Musing and her Facebook page. Etc and she and one other site provide me with as much information as I can possibly gather each day. Thank you to Dru Ann for all your valuable insight and for sharing that with other readers! You do a brilliant job!
    And I hope that I will get to meet you sometime this year!
    Cynthia B

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