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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What to read to learn about …

It’s that time again. The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Today’s topic is: What to read to learn about … (insert topic of choice).
This was actually kind of hard for me. I’m a non-fiction book freak. Fiction, too, if it’s historically accurate (shout out to John Jakes for helping me pass American History in high school).
I finally chose a book I use pretty regularly. It’s all about natural health care (using drug-free remedies). Now, I absolutely believe certain drugs have their place in our health care, but I also believe that people as a whole WAY overuse them. My mom has rheumatoid arthritis… has had for more than twenty years. And she refuses to use prescription RA drugs because of the side effects. She keeps it under control (mostly–there is the occasional flare up) using yucca, with occasional NSAIDS like ibuprofen when it gets a little more painful than usual.
Also, about 25 years ago, I was dating a man who was struggling with some chronic health issues. His doctor had tried everything, including massive doses of steroids which just about did him in. He finally told the regular doctor goodbye and went hard into holistic care. Some of it was a little too “woo woo” for me (like doing allergy tests by waving the food near his body and seeing how he felt), but his holistic doctor turned him onto the book I’m featuring today.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing
by Phyllis A. Balch
Here’s a description from Goodreads:
Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the nation’s #1 bestselling guide to natural remedies. The new fifth edition incorporates the most recent information on a variety of alternative healing and preventive therapies and unveils new science on vitamins, supplements, and herbs. With an A-to-Z reference to illnesses, updates include: How omega-3 and exercise may help those suffering from Alzheimer’s Current information on the latest drug therapies for treating AIDs What you need to know about H1N1 virus Nutritional information for combating prostate cancer Leading research on menopause and bio identical hormones And much, much more In the twenty years since the first edition was released, the natural health movement has gone mainstream, and the quest for optimal nutrition is no longer relegated to speciality stores. With more than 800 pages of comprehensive facts about all aspects of alternative ways to wellness, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition, unites the best of age-old remedies with twenty-first- century science.

There is so much good information in here. I have arthritis. I have sciatica. And when I do what the books says, I feel pretty darn good. I’m almost never sick (knocking madly on wood right now, lol) because I take natural precautions daily and when I do catch a cold, I can usually kick that sucker in just a day or two. I haven’t had antibiotics in 20+ years. My kid never had an ear infection. In fact, I remember when she was a teen and had a tooth abscess on her. The dentist wanted to give her antibiotics and asked if she was allergic. I told her I had no clue … she’d never had any!
None of my family (and this includes my 85 year old mother) are on prescription drugs of any kind. We aren’t opposed to taking them as needed, but we really seldom need them. I love this book because it’s not just about what to do when you’re sick, but how to stay healthy. And it covers other things, too, like skin care. I refer to this book all the time. It’s front and center on my bookshelf. If I could only keep one non-fiction book, it would be this one (or my 1952 Betty Crocker Cookbook handed down to me from my mom … I’m honestly torn).
So, what book can you recommend to me for learning things? I love to learn!

This Post Has 17 Comments

    1. One of the things I like about this book is that it covers food, supplements, exercises and other options. So it’s pretty well-rounded for how to care for yourself.

    1. I think you’ll enjoy it. I should probably get a more recently updated version. Mine is several years old…

  1. This book does look like an interesting read. I’ve had a few relatives who dealt (or who are dealing) with Alzheimer’s disease/dementia/other memory problems, so I keep an eye on the latest research on that stuff. It’s really interesting to hear how much exercise can help with both the prevention and management of those illnesses.

    1. Re: exercise — I am amazed how much they’re finding that even moderate daily exercise is a huge boon for things like dementia. Thankfully, due to having very active dogs, I walk a couple of miles every day if nothing else.

  2. You have me curious on what the book recommends for sciatica. I stretch and that helps, but it’s not a cure.
    I’d recommend anything by Michael Pollan but you already know about him. 🙂
    I also recommend Carla Emery, The Encyclopedia of Country Living. It’s a book of anecdotes and experience with little scientific backing, but reading that book is like talking to a good friend. A lot of her book stuck with me.

    1. LOVE Michael Pollan, but you know that already. That man has such a good, rational, reasonable head on his shoulders.
      Re: sciatica — the advice is multi-faceted and lengthy, but along with a few supplements I also find chiropractic care, massage and yoga/stretching to help. Also, yucca is a freaking miracle. I am completely crippled without it. I literally (and I mean that literally) can not walk when I’m not taking it. However, using it? 99% of the time I can jog a mile. I walk daily. I can run up and down the stairs. I can squat, kneel, etc. The best part about yucca is that it’s not costly. I use the Vitamin Shoppe brand and pay about $8 a month. I can’t recommend it enough for pain (especially pain caused by inflammation, as it’s a natural anti-inflammatory). You can also use it on your dogs 🙂
      Have you read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver? It’s one of my favorite “chatty” living off the land books I’ve read.

  3. When I had my hysterectomy, I was told to take a prescription med and it did nothing for me. Plus, I was scared…well, let’s just say, the idea of a strong pain med freaked me out, so I went the Motrin route and it helped. We have allergies, but I’m with you on ways to treat holistically rather than with scripts.
    Good post.

    1. Re: the idea of a strong pain med freaked me out — agreed. After surgeries, both my husband and I have opted out of the Rx pain meds and used OTC. It works enough to take the edge off without the scary side effects.

  4. I think you have a lot of us curious about this book. I’m going to track it down too. But…Marianne, you had plenty to write about when you really thought about it, didn’t you? Great post.

    1. I frequently have lots to say … it’s just figuring out how to say it (trust me, I have a hard time shutting up). I hope you enjoy the book if you find a copy!

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