It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Tour of Lake Winnipesaukee
This past weekend, we spent at a little camp on Lake Winnipesaukee. It’s a lovely lake, very quiet and peaceful (this time of year — don’t go up on the Fourth of July, and avoid the hot spots like Weirs Beach and Ellacoya State Park if you want quiet).
It was also Bike Week, so we didn’t leave the lake except to drive home.
Okay …. the pictorial tour — these were taken on my phone, so I couldn’t zoom as much as I would have liked on some.
Sunrise — I was sitting on the dock as the sun peeked over the horizon:
There are ENORMOUS dock spiders here. Even I, who am not spider phobic, have been taken aback by their size. THIS is actually not the spider, but the skin he just shed. The spider was hiding down below and I couldn’t get a good picture. They’re about the size of the palm of my hand (including their legs).
A bald eagle nest on Blueberry Island. We saw the male flying quite a bit as the island is near where we were staying. In this picture, the female is hanging out with the kids.
Some folks who own property on the lake actually stay all summer without going home. Hence the need for a post office on the island.
Dakota loved riding on the boat, except when it got choppy — then she climbed into my lap (and yes, she fits… just barely).
Where the rich folk live: Governor’s Island.
You could buy your own place there — this house is for sale. It’s only $12 million!
I love all the little islands — most with one house on them.
And thus ends our boat tour of Lake Winnipesaukee. I suspect you’ll see more photos from up there, as we’ll be spending a good part of our summer in that neck of the woods.
Have a great day!
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