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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Wish More Books Talked About

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Today’s topic is: Things I Wish More Books Talked About
Okay … I’m really a shallow person (in a moderately deep way…you’d have to know me to understand that). The things I care passionately about are either things I simply won’t discuss here (I leave politics and religion at the door) or things that no one would really want to write about.
Seriously… who would read this book?
Mabel cares deeply about the plight of the monarch butterfly. Their dwindling numbers keep her awake at night. Follow her story as she traverses their migration route, educating people on the benefits of milkweed. See the responses of others as she shares–FREE OF CHARGE!–seeds for perennial flowers the monarchs need for sustenance on their trip to Mexico. Will she make it to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt pine-oak forests ecoregion on the border of Michoacán and State of Mexico, 100 km (62 miles), northwest of Mexico City alive? Or will she die trying?
Could this be the next bestseller? …
When Leslie’s grandmother died and left her a hefty monthly stipend, she didn’t think twice. She opened up an animal shelter to house and hopefully rehome the dozens of puppies and kittens abandoned daily at the end of the dirt road on the outskirts of town. Will she be able to educate people about the importance of spay and neuter programs? Is it possible to find homes for all these unwanted animals? Where will she find a veterinarian willing to donate time to her shelter? Find these answers and more in, Leslie the Puppy Lover.
Be honest, it’s not as if there are millions of people hoping to see the next Monarch Butterfly bestseller.
I will admit, though, add a puppy to your story (but don’t you DARE kill it) and I’ll be a fan for life…

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Good answers.
    I liked seeing animals added to stories, too, but I totally agree about not killing them for the sake of the plot. That plot twist has been done too many times already.
    My post.

    1. I want to watch the John Wick movies… I LOVE action movies and Keanu Reeves is great, but I KNOW they kill the puppy in the first movie, and I just don’t think I can stand that. LOL!

  2. I’d like more stories with puppies. I’ve read very few romance stories with pets.

  3. I’ve closed books and never gone back to authors if the dog/cat dies in the book. No kidding. In our book discussion group, that’s one of the laws. No animal deaths. I’ll walk away from a book for that. But, I think the story starters you have might be the next bestseller. If you can pair the butterfly girl with a guy who is a scientist, then might be good. And the puppy lady finds a guy who didn’t know he needed a puppy, but does? Or the puppy lady helps a handsome guy adopt and sparks fly? Eh? Eh?

  4. It does sound like those two concepts would have a hard time with staying in the “the book talks about this” zone without sliding over into “I Have Come Here To Preach, Heed My Wisdom” zone. But I agree that Leslie the Puppy Lover could definitely accompany a romance plotline with a suitably handsome vet.

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