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Saturday Seven: Authors I Know IRL

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews

When I say IRL … I mean that I have some kind of friendship/relationship with them (either we were in writers’ groups together, I’ve actually met them, etc). I actually really miss my writers’ groups… *sigh*.
In any case, without further ado …
1. Allie Boniface
Allie and I were in a crit group together, which is how we “met” and then several years ago, we met IRL. She’s an awesome person AND an awesome author. You should definitely check out her books.
2. Cerian Hebert
I honestly don’t remember how we “met” online … my blog? Her blog? Maybe she can remember. Regardless, she’s someone else I visited with online quite a bit, and we briefly had a crit group together, and then a few years ago we met IRL. Awesome lady, awesome author!
3. Maria Zannini
Sadly, we’ve only visited online, though if I’m ever in her neck of the woods (and it’s not scorpion season) my puppies and I are definitely going to visit. She’s amazingly smart about so many things, and though she’s not really writing currently, her older works are awesome and if you’re into saving money or homesteading in any way, you do NOT want to miss her blog.
4. Charity Tahmaseb
Super saavy, insanely talented, intelligently witty … we met in an online writing workshop and I learned a lot from her. She’s one of the most talented authors I know and if you like YA stuff, you absolutely have to read her work. My kid, who’s not really into mainstream contemporary YA, loves her books like crazy. I do, too.
5. Darcy Vance — Charity’s co-author on a few of her books. Darcy was an amazing woman who was not only talented, but had the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known. Sadly, she passed away from cancer a few months ago. She is sorely missed.
6. Sarita Leone
So sweet, so kind, so funny! Did I mention talented? We met online, and haven’t met in person (yet) but she’s one of my favorite people. It’s been exciting to see her stretching her writing wings with her Regenerate series and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her in the future.
7. Wendi Zwaduk
She actually started “working” for us at Long and Short Reviews when she was pretty new in the writing biz and we got to be really great friends. Her writing has since really taken off (she also writes as Megan Slayer) and if you like erotic romance, you should absolutely check her out. She’s a great person AND a great author. I’m glad I know her.
I’m hoping to add more folks to that list in the future!

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. HI there!!!! how awesome you know Cerian!! She’s in my writing RWA group chapter. This is a cook way for you to introduce your writing friends to others. I’m gonna steal this idea!!! Peg

    1. If she is, then I’ll meet you eventually — joining NH RWA is on my list of things to do this year πŸ™‚

    1. I know you do! πŸ™‚ Next I need to make a list of awesome book bloggers I know…

  2. How kind you are to include me, and in the company of some of the best authors I know.
    I figured my books have long been forgotten. I’m reissuing my older books this summer now that I have the rights back.

  3. What a neat list; some I’m not familiar with and will check out.
    I saw your post on Lisabet’s list of travel places…I didn’t get my Saturday 7 post done because we were out yesterday picking up our new RV…I am ready to go! Come on spring!

  4. I don’t know about the other adjectives, but *insane* is apt, at least for this week. And I, too, miss Darcy more than I can say.

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