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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Something I Collected as a Child

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Something I Collected as a Child
This is easy… I was horse crazy as a kid. My father bought me riding lessons when I was five and I never got over it.  So, aside from books about horses (Walter Farley and Marguerite Henry were my best friends back then), I collected model horses, usually Breyer but also Lefton (these were ceramic) and some custom made ones.  Most of which I still have (though they are packed away so I can’t get pix).
The first one I got was Breyer’s Grazing Mare in bay.

I received it for my birthday (probably my sixth) an it ignited a passion in me.  By the time I graduated high school, I had 100+. All through high school, I showed them–photo shows and live shows.  I was so hooked.  Waaaaaaaaay back when, JC Penney used to release their Christmas catalog that always had a limited edition Breyer collectible horse, available ONLY via catalog.  I lived for that. I saved for that. I dreamed of owning them all.
Once I turned 18 and moved out, I simply didn’t have the time or money for this. I kept them all, but stopped buying more and stopped showing them.
I miss it.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. I love your collection! I’ve always wanted to have a horse, too. Even asked for one on my 50th birthday, haha! Did not happen. Great post, Marianne. 🙂

  2. You sound like me as a kid! I still have all my Walter Farley books, but only a few of my models horses. I loved seeing the photo you included.

  3. Horse, a forgotten passion. Your post reminded me of my several collectable horses, I remember the JC penny catalog having the limited addition horses. I never got one. Although I asked. Always wanted a real horse, but grew up and discovered how expensive they are to maintain. Dream when out the window. Though I still have my horse collection packed away in a box in the basement. After reading everyone’s collections, I know why my basement is full of boxes. LOL Thanks for sharing. Here’s mine.

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