It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Friday Five — Fear and Determination
It’s Friday, so it must be time for The Friday Five writing prompt! Five different words each week to get the creative juices flowing. To visit the other participants, click here.
I gotta tell you, nothing ever ends up being what I had planned!
This week’s words are: seminar, mine, law, crisis, address
Fear and Determination
I stood nervously behind the curtain, waiting to address the room full of people looking for insight into estate law. I wasn’t supposed to be the one here at the seminar. My boss, an incredibly capable public speaker, had had a family crisis and called on me at the last minute. He’d left me his notes, which I’d mined for the information I’d need, and I prayed I wouldn’t embarrass us or our firm.
The woman with the headset who’d escorted me here waved her hand. With a deep breath, I smoothed my suit jacket, straightened my shoulders and headed for the podium as the curtains opened.
I could do this.
I feel her pain.
Ah the thrill (not) of public speaking when you weren’t planning on it. Good one!
I legit LOL’d at how the d in mined wasn’t bolded. I like this though! Relatable, too.
I’m already scared of public speaking. Doing it with no notice would scare me even more, but I think your character is going to pull it off just fine. 🙂
Public speaking is so hard to do. Perfect characterization.