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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Recipes from my city/state/country

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Recipes from my city/state/country.
Growing up in California, this is the recipe of my mom’s I remembered most. It seems as if the traditional Tamale Pie uses a cornbread crust, but one of the things I love most about my mom’s recipe is that she mixed in the cornmeal to make a thick casserole instead:
Tamale Pie
1 onion (chopped)
1/4 c oil
2 tsp salt
Tabasco to taste
1 c cornmeal
1 can creamed corn
1 clove garlic
1 lb ground beef
1 Tbsp chili powder
1 large can diced tomatoes
1 c milk
1 can olives (sliced or whole)
Cook onion and garlic in oil until soft (about 5 mins).
add ground beef and cook until browned.
Add seasonings (tobasco, chili powder, salt) and tomatoes. Turn to low and simmer 15 mins.
Mix cornmeal with the milk, then add to the meat mixture. Cook 5 mins, stirring regularly.
Add creamed corn and olives. Mix well.
Pour into baking dish.
Bake at 325 for one hour.
Now, when we moved to Colorado, I discovered something I’d never had before … green chile with pork (eaten as a soup, especially good with fresh made flour tortillas). There was a little hole in the wall restaurant in Colorado Springs that made the BEST green chile. I ate there far too often…
I don’t have my own recipe for this, but I found one that looks similar online.

A classic Colorado style pork green chili – lots of green chiles, tomatoes, thickened with flour. Makes a great green chili sauce for smothering burritos or eggs.

Pork Green Chili (Colorado Style)

And now that I live in NH, aside from amazing seafood, I discovered something I’d never heard of before (aside from peanut butter and fluff — aka “Fluffernutter” sandwiches. We don’t have “Fluff” in California, or at least we didn’t when I lived there, so…). Here, there’s something called “American Chop Suey” which is NOTHING like actual chop suey, but :: shrugs::. Again, I don’t have my own recipe, but here’s one I found:

American Chop Suey

So there you go … some regional specialties from everywhere I’ve lived 🙂

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. These are going on my list too. re: “fluff” … down in Georgia, it was always just marshmallow cream. A funny story that I’m reminded about every time I think about marshmallow cream. Grandmama used it to make fudge and always kept a jar hidden in the cabinet to the right of the sink on the top shelf in the back lefthand corner. I found it and used to clamber up on the counter and eat it by the spoonful. She was not happy the next time she went to make fudge.

  2. One of our local gas stations with a drink station (they made fancy coffees and such in addition to supplying gas – which sounds probably about as bad as it could be) advertised a peanut butter fluffernutter shake, with a huge banana sticking out of the side of the billboard. Yes, it looked bad, if not worse than it should’ve. That’s the only exposure I’ve ever had to fluffernutter, but now I know what it is. So thanks. It’s also probably good that the naughty looking banana billboard is now gone. Pity. It was a fun thing to discuss on long drives. 😛

  3. Never heard of tamale pie but sounds so good!! We can get marshmallow fluff in the Uk now too (although only in American sweet shops I think!) – I had a housemate who used to just sit and eat it out the jar

  4. We just call it marshmallow cream, and I recently bought some to eat with a spoon . . . I’ve also done that with canned icing too I’m afraid. Fluff and fluffernutter are awesome words. I love regional terms.

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