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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My life in photos (or gifs)

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Today’s topic is: My life in photos (or gifs)

Okay, this is actually pretty tough. Do I go serious or funny? Real pix or gifs? So many choices!! I don’t really share pictures of the peeps in my life here. They get to stay private. So, let’s see…

…My day starts before the crack of dawn (usually around 4 a.m. or so).

Then I get to take these critters out and feed them:

Then it’s time to put on my Fish hat over here for a couple of hours:

Then it’s time for a walk…

After that, my day is pretty fluid, especially recently. Some things I might do?

And there you have it …

Honestly, though, if you’re interested in more pictures of my life in general, you could absolutely go here.

This Post Has 9 Comments

    1. Yes… yes they are. They’re SO lucky they are. Don’t be fooled by their angelic faces…

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