It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Best fictional couples
It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: Best Couples (Movie/Book/TV)
I’m a sucker for a good couple … they keep me coming back! I have dozens, so I’ll try to whittle them down. Here, in no particular order, are the ones that popped into my head first.
Eve and Roarke from the “In Death” books by J.D. Robb
Honestly, this series has some of THE best couples ever. Like the Miras (man, I’m in love with Mr. Mira) and Mavis and Leonardo, Peabody and McNabb. Really, the main reason I even read this series is to keep up with the characters.
James Cole and Cassandra Railly from “12 Monkeys” TV show.
I just finished watching this series on Hulu and it’s quite possibly the best show I’ve watched, if not EVER, then in recent memory. It was one of those shows I thought about when I wasn’t watching and I could NOT wait to sit down and watch. In fact, I rewatched the entire series before I watched the final two episodes, partly in case I’d missed anything and partly because I just didn’t want it to end. I’m still incredibly sad it’s done and I’ll quite likely watch it again in the near future. This is due, in large part, to Cole and Cassie. They were real, 3D, believable amazing characters whose love for each other was honestly unbreakable. There were the occasional blips (mostly on Cassie’s part), but even so you always knew they were really one of those “meant to be” forever couples.
Le sigh.
Sydney and Vaughn from “Alias”
Am I dating myself with this one?
This is another couple set in a time with extraordinary circumstances, who just always love each other, no matter what. I loved that they were willing to sacrifice anything to do what was right…sadly, that sometimes meant they sacrificed their own relationship with each other. The wrong thing for the right reasons.
F’Lar and Lessa from “The Dragonriders of Pern”
Once they finally trusted each other, their faith and love was unbreakable. It was one of the truest, strongest things about this series… something you could always count on. I remember when Lessa flew on Ramoth, defiantly, and when she waited for F’Lar to take her to task “Queens can TOO fly.” he just laughed, hugged her and said, “Of course they can. That’s why they have wings.”
I’m pretty sure that was the moment she started to fall in love with him.
I keep hearing rumors the book is going to be made into a movie. I wonder who they’ll cast?
I’m going to stop … I was starting to write about some more characters from fantasy series I love (like the Valdemar series…one of my faves), but I won’t bore you any longer.
I can’t wait to see who YOUR favorite couples are!
I have got to get back into 12 Monkeys… too many shows, too little time. AND, I want to reread Dragonriders. It’s been forever. My post is here:
Yes, yes you do. But you HAVE to pay attention. There are little things that matter in big ways.
Oh my. You have so many when I could barely come up with one!
LOL… I could have done a dozen more.
I loved Alias, too!!!! Miss that lovely couple. But Roarke and Eve and the cast of couples is the best on earth!
Re: Eve, Roarke, et al … YES.
My husband loves 12 Monkeys! Good pick.
My post.
SUCH a good show! Your husband has good taste (clearly…since he married you!).
I really need to watch more current television. Lol. I dated myself with my post, too, so it’s all good. I like the choices. Good ones!
Nothing wrong with the classics, right?
I love how you have such a wide variety of couples here. I’m not familiar with all of them and 12 Monkeys sounds intriguing!
Thanks! And you should definitely try watching “12 Monkeys”!
Somewhere I have the first episode of Twelve Monkeys (downloaded as a promo) but I never watched the series; I’ll have to give it a look. Alias and the J.D. Robb books are both series (serieses? serii?) that I’ve heard great things about, so ditto them. Great list, honestly.
My answers are here.
I can’t recommend “12 Monkeys” enough. It’s on Hulu if you’re interested 🙂
I’m so glad you mentioned F’lar and Lessa. Those books are so wonderful. I want a fire lizard.
Oh, man, I wanted a fire lizard in the WORST way. And when Menolly impressed her entire clutch? I was so jealous!
This is the second time I’ve seen JD Robb’s couple. I’ll have to check out the series again starting with the first book. Then I had forgotten all about F’Lar and Lessa from “The Dragonriders of Pern”. I loved that series. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing. Here’s mine.
We’re all going to get you to read the “In Death” series one of these days! LOL!
Oh, cool list, Marianne. I’m like Megan and need to watch more telly. The only couple I recognise are Roarke and Eve. Gives me an excuse for some couch-potatoing!
With all the streaming services out there, it’s never a problem finding something to watch!
OMG I can’t believe I forgot about Sydney and Vaughn! I LOVED that show! They were so great together!
They really were … I struggled with the last season, though, because Vaughn was “dead”. Oy.
Now I have to watch 12 Monkeys. I keep having it on my TBR, but now I will watch it. I love the Pern books.
I wasn’t familiar with these – I’ll have to check them out!