It's time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.…
Monday Musings … Man cold vs. Mom cold
So … my kid and my husband were sick this past week. The kid slept for two days, but she was otherwise pretty non-intrusive to life in general. The husband was sicker, apparently, like passing out/vomiting sick (though I wasn’t there to observe this, I did get a couple of incoherent texts while I was at the grocery store). I’ve had a sore throat for the past three days and have zero energy (though I’m still fighting the good fight, determined that this is as sick as I’ll get), and yet I’ve managed to take care of them, do several loads of laundry, go to the store for Gatorade and stuff for dog food, make dog food, walk the dogs several times (plus just taking them out regularly, feeding them, etc), doing dishes, keeping the fire burning and wood stocked in the garage. I did manage a 20 minute lie down once on Saturday, but that’s about it for the whole “rest” thing.
And it brought this to mind:
What say you? Does your man have a man cold, or does he man up when he’s sick?
Well, whatever M. does, it gets done with more drama than I typically express, so I definitely get you on the “man cold” thing. But then, I just saw this (… so maybe they actually do feel worse than we do.
Anne, that article was interesting, but I’m still not entirely buying that they feel THAT much worse, lol.