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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: A day in the life…

It’s time again for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
Today’s topic is: An average day in my life…
First, there are no average days here, especially this year. I used to have a pretty good routine, but then the hubs started working from home, and the kid’s college went virtual and all my routine went up in smoke.
In a perfect world, in a pre-covid world, this would be a regular-ish day for me.
Up around 4 a.m. … for some reason, many years ago, this seemed like a great time to start checking and promoting the tours Judy and I run through Goddess Fish Promotions. Honestly, it is easier, because we can focus on them completely and without interruption (except the dogs… which is another story).
Check and promote tours until about 6:15 or so, then it’s time for me to walk my dogs.

We walk with a neighbor, about 2 miles a day. I wish I could say that wore them out even a little bit. It doesn’t.
After this, my life is pretty up in the air. I work, I clean, I cook, I run errands, I see my mom, I work some more. And in and amongst each of those things, I entertain the dogs.

Take dogs out to play
Take dogs out to pee
Brush dogs
See mom
Take dogs for a walk
Play fetch with dogs

Yeah, that about sums it up.
Now, though, it’s all of this AND deal with my husband and daughter all day long. I honestly wish I could be three people… and that the lockdowns were over.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. I hope the lockdowns end soon now that there are vaccines on the way.
    It sounds like your dogs are deeply loved. 🙂

  2. There’s never a good time to get stuff done when you have a dog. Just sayin’. They want love/attention/walkies when you’re in the middle of something important. Always. But we love them.

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