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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Characters I’d Like to Meet

It’s that time again. The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. Today’s topic is: Characters I’d Like to Meet
Narrowing down this list was HARD. I have dozens more I’d like to add here, but here’s what I’ve settled on since you likely don’t want to read hundreds of names πŸ™‚

Aslan (Chronicles of Narnia): I’d only like to meet him if I wasn’t naughty. I remember the description of Edmund after he met with Aslan before the war in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. But I’d like to meet and know him as Lucy does. He’s so caring and wise and loving toward her. He makes her feel safe and he imparts wisdom. I just feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I think of their relationship.

Eve Dallas and Roarke (the “In Death” series): I can’t get enough of these two (and their extended “family”). The main reason I nab and read every book in this series as soon as it releases is because watching this couple, this deeply broken but healing couple, grow is fascinating. I love Eve’s snark, too. She reminds me a bit of me (though I’m decidedly less kick ass).

Gwydion (The Chronicles of Prydain): A loving and loyal friend, a capable warrior, a wise confidant, a good man. While I crushed on Taran and dreamed of being Eilonwy, Gwydion was the character I admired and would most like to meet in this series (except maybe Gurgi, just because he makes me happy). This series was my all time favorite as a kid. Love.

Elrond (Lord of the Rings series): I loved so many of the characters from these books, but Elrond was one of my favorites. And who wouldn’t want to meet an Elf? He’s wise and kind and loving and quirky and he has a wicked sense of humor. I think it would be a lot of fun to hang out with him.

F’lar and Lessa (The Dragonriders of Pern): This series had me dreaming of impressing my own dragon (or at the least, a fire lizard) and F’lar and Lessa were (of course) two of my favorite characters from it. Okay, I have a great fondness for Master Robinton and Menolly as well, but I’d really love to meet dragonriders and perhaps talk them into a ride… πŸ™‚

Vanyel (the Chronicles of Valdemar): I love this series so much. Mercedes Lackey is one of the best fantasy authors I’ve read. I’ve enjoyed all her characters, but Vanyel … there was so much emotion in his story that I really fell in love with him. I cried real tears when he died in the last book of the series (this isn’t a spoiler, really, btw since his legend and demise is sung by all the bards in every last one of the books in the series, most of which were written prior to his trilogy). He was so honorable, so broken, so kind, so powerful. Just such an amazing, real character… and now I want to go back and re-read the books…
Who are some book characters YOU would like to meet IRL?

This Post Has 14 Comments

    1. Try to read the Valdemar books in order if you can. I’m sure she has them listed on her website. But they’re fantastic fantasy. I hope you enjoy them!

    1. LOL… I want to go back and revisit both the Dragonriders series and the Valdemar series because I really do love them and they’re such a comfort read for me. I’m glad to see I’m being a good influence on you. Heh.

  1. I’ve only ever read one of the books on your list. Don’t throw something at me because I’ve only read the Narnia books. I read all of them, but that’s about as far into sci-fi as I’ll go. It just doesn’t work for me, I guess. But it’s a good list. I like it. Aslan would be an interesting meet and greet.

  2. This is an excellent list! A good friend loves the In Death series and is always trying to get me to read them. I think I need to start now. πŸ™‚

    1. Every time I write a post like this, I am drawn back to my fantasy roots. That’s really the genre I cut my reading teeth on…

  3. Neat choices. I suppose Aslan would be my choice but you are right, there are so many great characters in The Lord of the Rings series.
    I put Dragonriders of Pern on my TBR list.
    Nice post. I even forgot it was Wednesday. Duh…

    1. Nice post. I even forgot it was Wednesday. Duh… … want me to remind you next week? πŸ˜‰

    1. If you try, I’d suggest the Dragonriders of Pern series (but try to read them in the correct order). They still hold up well today.

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